The Art of Storytelling in English

625,00 VAT not included

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Any start date Any day start 3 sessions of 90 minutes

Good storytelling can make you the most interesting person in the room. In business it is a strategic tool to create interest and influence outcomes.

Storytelling in a foreign language can be challenging because of vocabulary, syntax, cultural context, idioms, flow and emotional expression.

Learn the secrets of captivating your audience in English and delivering simplified messages that connect and convince like you do in your native language.

This mini corporate storytelling workshop will equip you and your team with the strategies and techniques on how to become a better storyteller in English. Whether you want to improve your storytelling skills for personal or professional development, this transversal course is for you and is tailored to job roles.


SKU: W.AZ. StorytellingB1
Language training & services for international business


Explore the fundamental principles of storytelling in English, including character development, plot structure, and the power of language. Practice and develop your personal storytelling style in your second language.

  • Learn English outside of the box and in context
  • Make your stories interesting and engaging in English
  • Get your foreign audience to listen
  • Stimulate your imagination and thinking in a foreign language
  • Build basic language structure, sequencing and plot building
  • Improve English speaking fluency, listening skills
  • Explore short-form and long-form writing techniques to get results
  • Identify the key elements of a compelling story
  • Speak with confidence in your second language (L2)
  • Enhance the ability to persuade and influence others in English

For who

The corporate storytelling in English workshop is designed for business professionals that need to influence their audience.

Workshop contents are tailored to job roles and challenges.

As a manager, you can use storytelling to improve your leadership and communication skills with global colleagues and teams.

Sales professionals can improve their sales pitches, case study presentations and questioning techniques in English with storytelling.

Marketers will benefit from developing interesting storylines in order to engage target audiences and drive brand messaging in content marketing and international brand identity.

For retail assistants, effective storytelling can highlight product benefits, create trust and improve customer engagement and interactions to create memorable experiences.

HR teams can use storytelling to attract and onboard new employees and illustrate concepts and provide practical examples in training courses .


3 sessions of 90 minutes


Training is available online, on Client premises, or as a hybrid solution

Level | Prerequisite



The Storytelling course includes all course materials.

Course Contents

The Art of Storytelling

  • Define storytelling and its significance in human communication
  • Understand the impact of storytelling on emotions, behavior, and decision-making
  • Address linguistic challenges in storytelling in a foreign language

Identify Key Language Aspects and Challenges of English in Storytelling

  • Identify the key components of a well-structured story
  • Cultural storytelling similarities and differences
  • Look at English vocabulary, idioms, tone & style, grammar & structure
  • Explore the diverse humor, tone & style of English speaking audiences

Crafting an Interesting Story in English

  • Build the story from introduction through body & conclusion
  • Learn to show not tell with descriptive language.
  • Experiment character and situation development
  • Explore vocabulary and words to evoke emotions and create sensory experiences

Engaging Diverse Audiences

  • Explore strategies for connecting with audiences from various backgrounds.
  • Learn to navigate cultural nuances and sensitivities in storytelling

Written Storytelling Techniques

  • Understand effective English writing techniques for storytelling while keeping messages simple
  • Explore and practice using short-form and long-form storytelling to generate leads, nurture relationships, and close deals
  • Use concise storytelling techniques to evoke emotions and create sensory experiences

Oral Storytelling Techniques

  • Understand the impact of non-verbal communication in storytelling and how to incorporate it into your story
  • Work on clear pronunciation for clarity while maintaining your personal storytelling style
  • Modulate your voice, pace, gestures and expressions to your foreign audience
  • learn relaxation and preparation techniques for natural but dynamic delivery
  • Practice storytelling to engage your audience

Polish your Personal Storytelling Technique

  • Get resources and tips on how to improve your storytelling technique in English to match your first language skills

This course is also available in long format and in multiple modules designed for continued practice towards English speaking fluency.

Business English Microlearning Courses for Employees


Target specific skills in microlearning modules to keep interest high and learning relevant.

Increase learning retention working on task-based real-life English.

Engaging Business English courses for Companies. Learn English for work in an active course.

Active Engagement

Boost English learning for on the job success with the ACT method.

Active Communicative Training is the proven interactive method of learning by doing that increases learner engagement and skill transfer.


Get proven tangible results with

training certified

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

(design and provision of language courses)

Turn learning English into an experience with engaging performance-based language training.

Service and Support

Language Consultant

Get the guidance you need to choose the right language course.

Course Coordinator

Work with our course coordinator for activation and scheduling.

Didactic Coordinator

Get support from our didactic team for tailoring contents to fit your requirements.

Technical support

Access help from our technical team to resolve any issues quickly and easily before and during your course.

live translator

Ready to optimise your language training programs with micro learning?

Speak with a training consultant to see how we can help build learning journeys that align with your people development.

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