Speak up, Speak out, Speak easy
Join our topic-based conversation forums for teens to practice and perfect English fluency through the exploration of real-life topics.
- Once a week online daily group conversation course
- Improve your English speaking fluency
- Explore diverse topics and increase vocabulary
- Feel comfortable speaking
- Improve pronunciation
Course Contents
Lessons are based around tasks, activities, debate, role-play and discussions on current events, global news stories, social news and awareness, and other areas of interest.
Professional English trainers with multicultural backgrounds work closely and coach to improve pronunciation, style, vocabulary, fluency and confidence in a fun relaxed environment.
For who
- A2-B1
- Teens 13-17
Start Date
8 November
21 March – 23 May
- weekly 45 minute online group lessons
How it Works
Lessons take place on Zoom or Teams. Upon purchase, you will receive your access codes.
Service and Support
Language Consultant
Get the guidance you need to choose the right language course.
Course Coordinator
Work with our course coordinator for activation and scheduling.
Didactic Coordinator
Get support from our didactic team for tailoring contents to fit your requirements.
Technical support
Access help from our technical team to resolve any issues quickly and easily before and during your course.