
English CV – how to use adjectives

CV in inglese

Resume’s in English: using adjectives

Employers receive hundreds of cv’s per week, if you want yours to rise to the top and make a lasting impact you need to sell yourself. Avoid long complicated sentences and learn to describe your skills using a handful of concise, positive and strategic adjectives to produce an English CV that sells.

Here are some useful adjectives to use (be sure to only use ones that truly fit and don’t go overboard)

Consistent | Attentive | Trustworthy

Determined | Dynamic | Skilled

Committed | Motivated | Reliable

Diligent | Organized | Methodical

Energetic | Passionate | Industrious

Studious | Hard-working | Enthusiastic


  • brainstorm to create a list of your personal skills, characteristics, and talents
  • pair them with positive adjectives for impact keep your resume short and to the point
  • include a range of experiences that show how well-rounded you are but keep those experiences relevant
  • always include a cover letter
  • step back and critique your resume before sending it
  • have foreign language resume’s and cover letters professionally reviewed or formatted to international standards

For a great English cv get help from the experts


maka language consulting

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