Originally a victory party to celebrate 2,000 untrained, badly armed Mexicans defeating 6,000 French troops in the Franco-Mexican war, Cinco de Mayo is now a celebration of all things Mexican. Particularly in the USA, where many people believe it to be the Mexican Independence Day (which is actually 16th September).
The best place to celebrate Cinco de Mayo
If you’re in Mexico, the only place to celebrate is in Puebla, the site of the original battle. But if you really want to get soaked in margarita and show your sombrero, you need to head north of the border to…
- Los Angeles – The City of Angels erupts in a celebration of Mexican culture with margaritas, tequila and cervezas all round. Wherever you are, the air will be ringing with salsa music and the streets crowded with folkloric dancers
- Chicago – Make your way to the Windy City for live music, dancing and authentic food from south of the border. The centre of the festivities is obviously Chicago’s Mexican neighbourhood known as the “Little Village”.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo at home
Don’t worry if you can’t get over the pond in time, you can celebrate Cinco de Mayo wherever you are.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Look the part
In addition to your sombrero, be sure you’re wearing green, white and red, the colours of the Mexican flag - Add a little music
If you can’t play traditional Spanish guitar, don’t despair, grab your maracas (any gringo can shake a maraca) - Make a piñata
The typical paper mache donkey needs to be filled with sweets and treats and then hit with a stick (it’s for the kids remember) - Shake your thing
Let’s see if you can learn the traditional Mexican Hat Dance in time (go on, we dare you)
What to serve on Cinco de Mayo
- Enchiladas and black bean burritos (as if we had to tell you)
- Grilled corn on cob
- Homemade guacamole
- Mexican flan
- Spicy salsa
- Margarita (this is the one you were waiting for, right?)
¡Que lo pasen bien!
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